Texas Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors
Licensed Professional Engineer, Structural, No. 39887, 1976/2025
Other State PE Boards
Former Licensed Professional Engineer, AR, CO, LA, NM, and OK, 1985/2012
Structural Engineering Certification Board
Certified in the Practice of Structural Engineering, No. 2287, 2008/2022
Texas Department of Transportation
Pre-Certified in Minor Bridge Layouts, No. 3.4.1, 2001/2013
Pre-Certified in Major Bridge Layouts, No. 3.5.1, 2001/2013
Pre-Certified in Multi-Level Interchange & Exotic Bridge Layout, No. 3.6.1, 2005/2013
Pre-Certified in Minor Bridge Design, No. 5.1.1, 2001/2013
Pre-Certified in Major Bridge Design, No. 5.2.1, 2001/2013
Pre-Certified in Multi-Level Interchange Design, No. 5.3.1, 2005/2013